Linda Bell | Mixed Media Artist |
My BIO and Awards and Shows
Paintings 2025
ART In the Hall 2025
Tabletop Series and Flowers
Landscapes and From My Travels
Sold or Archived Paintings
EVENTS (Current and Past)
REPRESENTATION and LINKSI have about 15 paintings in this gallery. The primary purpose is to rent out art to the film industry in BC. After clicking the link to this site click on artists and then on my name. If you are interested in any of my paintings please contact me and I will get in touch with the gallery. Below is just one of the paintings located at Aion. Clicking on the link above will take you to a gallery of MY PAINTINGS on the Federation Gallery Site. My paintings on this site are ones previously juried into FCA Shows, both sold and unsold. The FCA will also ship paintings to other countries. If you wish to look at other artists who have separate Galleries on the FCA site click on Federation Gallery and browse at the top of the page you will find present and past exhibitions listed as well as a way to search for paintings by style, size, price etc. If you scroll down the page there is also a place to enter a specific artists name. You can find my work in selected shows through out the year. I submit my paintings to juried shows that I am interested in and if accepted my painting(s) will appear in that particular exhibition. Clicking on this link will also provide access to the range of wonderful artists that belong to the FCA. Artists Statement and Interview - unfortunately this information is no longer available on this site Unfortunately, ISAP was disbanded in 2021 due to a lack of sufficient volunteers to run this international organization. Carolyn is an artist in the USA who writes a blog profiling various artists. I was very honoured to be selected to be included in her blog several years ago. |