Linda Bell | Mixed Media Artist |
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EVENTS (Current and Past)
NEWSLETTER(posted on 16 Jul 2021)
I was very pleased to find out that my painting "Girl on a Swing" won an Honorable Mention in this International Open Exhibition. It is currently showing at the FCA Gallery on Granville Island. A variety of interesting paintings in this show - definitely worth a visit if you are in the vicinity. (posted on 20 May 2021)
Linda Bell Website: The last time I sent out an update from my blog, to those of you on my mailing list, it was November 10, 2020. So many things have happened since then, both on a macro level as well on a more personal level. As I have discussed with my friends it feels like we have all been on a strange and challenging roller coaster ride for the last 14 months. Spring is here and hope is in the air again. If I send out another 6 month update in November 2021 my wish for all of us is that things will be somewhat "normalized" by then and that we will again be enjoying some renewed freedoms like connecting more with others and travelling a bit. I am still painting - sort of in "fits and starts". I am enjoying painting more but continue to find plenty of time to still "goof off". Despite there being so many challenges in "Covid times" there are some benefits. So what is I just "cleaned up " and did some minor reorganization of my website, including a new layout. Let me what you think -- the new layout is on "trial" as I am not sure at this point if it is an improvement.
SOME OF MY RECENT PAINTINGS AND WHERE YOU CAN SEE THEM: On this website of course and in a current online show at the FCA as well as 2 upcoming Events. (Check the EVENTS section for more details) PRAIRIE GOLD Mixed Media on Canvas. 36"x48" is currently online ( till the end of May in the 2021 Calendar show
IN MY PLAYGROUND. Mixed Media on Canvas. 30" x 36" has been accepted into the FCA Signature Exhibition. This show starts June 28 and ends July 11th. So if you are planning to be on Granville Island this summer go and take a look at whole show -- only Signature members of the FCA can submit to this show.
GIRL ON A SWING. Mixed Media on Canvas 36"x36" has been accepted into Painting on the Edge at the FCA. This is an International Open Show that attracts alot of different artists. It also runs this summer in the FCA Gallerry from July 12 to August 1. So if you can, check this one out as well.
Well thats all for now - need to quit messing around on my computer and go paint... I hope you enjoy the "altered "website but I am open to feedback.
Wishing you all a WONDERFUL SUMMER.
(posted on 27 Apr 2021)
This is a novel written by a friend of mine Katherine Doyle. I was so pleased that she asked me to do the cover for it which depicts her main character Frances. You can now order the book from Amazon. There is a great description of the story on the amazon site - so check it out. I am so impressed and thrilled for Katherine. (posted on 24 Feb 2021)
My painting "Feeling at 6's and 7's just won an honourable mention award at the Abstracted Show currently on at the FCA Gallery on Granville Island.
(posted on 23 Dec 2020)
Why am I writing about this award - because today when I was on the FCA website I found out the names of Jurors of this show and I was particularly pleased by this discovery. I know the work of 2 of the 3 Jurors Ann Zielinski and Jean Peterson and I have admired them for years. Part of requirements for submission to this show was to describe the concept. (see the description I submitted under this painting in my Abstracts Gallery) Even though this painting won First Place it may not be "everybody's cup of tea" as the saying goes. As an artist putting your work "out there" takes courage and learning to be comfortable with a variety of responses can be challenging. The bottom line though is the first person you need to please is yourself. Most jurors do their best to be objective but personal tastes do come into play. I think all of us artists have felt rejected or "under appreciated" at times, not just by jurors, but people in our lives or strangers viewing our paintings - in fact some of my favourite paintings in shows have got "no love" or even notice. Having been an artist for a number of years I am increasingly aware about how much approval and acceptance affects all artists. How we manage our disappointments will be different. Art however is personal -- not just for the artist but for the viewer. I believe if you are an abstract painter you may find that it can more difficult for people to relate to your paintings. That however is why I was pleased when I accidentally discovered the names of the jurors. This painting felt right to me and that it was appreciated by 2 experienced artists that I admire made the award more meaningful. Coincidently this same painting was also rejected for an online international show around the same time - some days you just need to laugh! My suggestion is - if painting brings you joy then keep on painting and do what resonates with who you are, accept constructive suggestions from those you respect and let the generic "wow this is wonderful" comments make you smile but try not to let them sway you too much either. It is a fine balance and I am learning that this for me requires constant self monitoring and reminders that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". If you like your own stuff, and the process of painting makes you happy then consider yourself one of the lucky ones.
(posted on 16 Dec 2020)
Check out this fundraising show at the Federation Gallery on Granville Island or online at There is a huge variety of paintings all 10" x 10". I have the following 5 paintings in the show which ends on December 23rd.
(posted on 10 Nov 2020)
My first blog in 2020 was about six months ago and this is my second for this strange and challenging year. It has been a rollercoaster ride with a world wide pandemic, more disturbing evidence of climate change and the dark cloud that continues to hover over all of us as we watch and listen to the political battles being played out south of our border. It is hard not to be affected by all of this at times and my guess is that most of us will be glad to see 2020 in our rear view mirror and to look forward to a more positive new year. When I wrote my blog last May I was struggling with finding the inspiration and motivation to paint. It has not been a straight forward path ahead but this fall I finally broke through feeling "stuck" and started to enjoy painting again -- as I told a friend the key seemed to be actually acting on the notion of painting for myself and not for shows or for others and to let go and just enjoy the process of creating. Getting "stuck" may be part of the creative journey but currently things are good. So what has been happening. Well I have had a number of unexpected sales, I have submitted and had paintings accepted into art exhibitions in October and November. I even won a first place award for my painting in the Concept 2020 show currently on at the Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery on Granville Island. I was also delighted to be asked by a friend of mine who has written a book to paint the cover for her book. Once published I will post an image and information about the book in one of my future blogs. Right now if you would like to see some of my work go to the FCA website at Click on Federation Gallery on the menu at the top and once there you can check out my paintings first in the Current Show (Concept 2020 on till November 15th), second click on The Small Artwork Collection and then third in The Curated Collection. In addition I have submitted several paintings to the FCA show called Ten Squared. This is a fund raising Show for the FCA which runs from December 14 to 23rd. It is open to Canadian Artists and is a great option for those of you looking for some good small paintings for Christmas Gifts -- so check it out mid December. Images of some of my paintings The Big Coverup (Concept Show 2020) 30"x40" Everything is Coming Up Roses (The Small Artwork Collection) 12" x 12" Just Breathe (The Curated Collection) 30" x 24" Alice's Sweater ( one of the paintings submitted to Ten Squared)
Well thats all for now. I know it is only November and is a bit premature but I would like to wish you all a Happy and Positive 2021. (posted on 18 May 2020)
When I checked my blog I realized I had not entered anything since the beginning of this year -- it has been an unusual year to say the least. Hope you are all safe and well. In February I went to San Miguel de Allende with a friend -- I have added a few photos - including the one of the Rooster that crowed all night next to the place we were staying. Very colourful and charming place and I was even able to navigate the killer cobblestone streets.
On return I had developed a bad cold so got little in the way of paintings done -- then I went off to Phoenix to visit a friend the 2nd week in March. That was the week that things turned upside down and I returned to Canada on the 14th and went into self isolation and as we all now know everything changed and we are in this strange new world. I have included a photo of one of my favourite places in Phoenix called the Hermosa Inn. In March and April I only got one painting done -- did it for the social distancing show at the FCA. In talking to some of my artist friends I am finding I am not the only one that has found it difficult to focus and get any paintings done in this period. The painting I did during this time is called Just Breathe - named that because another artist said it gave her a sense of calm and a feeling of space to breathe. Now it is May and things are looking better particularly here in BC. How lucky we are to live in this province and in this country. Spring is here (with lots of rain) the flowers are out and hope is in the air. I decided to take an online abstract painting course this month to try to kick start me to pick up a brush again. It is working. I am doing different exercises and starting to get inspired again. Today I took most of the day to catch up and do a few paintings...... I have included them just for fun. The first one is an exercise to do with focus on edges including using the outside edges of the canvas. The Second one is an exercise using a design I was not familiar with (called steelyard?) - basically an L shaped design ( in this case a reverse L ) They were fun and "thats what it is all about"
As said I hope you are all well and safe and looking forward - we don't know how our world is going to continue to change but I am optimistic that good things will come out of this difficult time..... and to my artist friends wishing you find the joy again -- just paint, make messes, try some new things and enjoy yourself! Obviously I have no art shows or demos/workshops planned for the next while. I still enter some online shows at the Federation of Canadian Artists from time to time. They still have a full schedule of exhibitions that you can view online at and most paintings are available for sale -- check it out. I have done some jurying for the FCA and will be one of the Jurors for the OASIS Exhibition coming up in the Okanagan in June. Otherwise I will be painting, having a glass of wine (or 2 and perhaps a margarita) on my Patio and social distancing with my friends. Have a good summer! Thats all for now!
(posted on 12 Jan 2020)
After cleaning out my messy art studio I finally got back to painting. This is a larger painting 36" x 36" and it took awhile as I kept trying to rebalance the values and the colours. My original intent was a more neutral painting but I ended up using rather intense colours - including a number of different blues.